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Fresh Water Pearl Watch Bracelet

Fresh Water Pearl Watch Bracelet

Regular price $137.00 CAD
Regular price $137.00 CAD Sale price $137.00 CAD
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Authentic Pretty  White Watch Fresh Water Pearl, stainless steel, choose between Silver or Rose Gold Watch. 

It is an adjustable bracelet watch timeless, perfect for combining with other Bracelets, for her, for gift, weeding occasions and jewelry Pearl lovers.

Good investment


Size pearl 1 cm 

Size 18cm to 21 cm chain, it includes battery.  1 year warranty. 

Miyota Movement 2035 manufactured

Care Instructions

Day-to-day Care of Sterling Silver Jewelry

Sterling silver tarnishes when exposed to salty air, chlorine, sulfur, humidity, perspiration, cosmetics, household bleach and other strong chemicals. To prevent tarnish as much as possible, we recommend that you store your fine jewelry in a safe, dry place when engaging in the following activities: 

  • Household and outdoor chores
  • Showering, bathing or swimming in pools, hot tubs, hot springs and the ocean
  • Using lotion, hair products, fragrances and other cosmetics
  • Exercising at the gym or during contact sports
  • Preparing meals

Pearl Maintenance Tips

1. Last on, first off. Pearls should be the final touch to your outfit. Avoid applying makeup, hairspray, lotion or perfume once your pearls are on.

2. Store them flat. While it's perfectly acceptable for most necklaces to be hung on a cute jewelry rack, your pearl strands should not be. Store pearl necklaces flat to prevent them from stretching.

3. Dedicate a space just for your pearls. Soft pearls are prone to scratches, so store them separately in fabric-lined compartments.

4. Wear your pearls often. Pearls do best in a moist environment, so wearing them frequently keeps them from drying out. Easiest. Advice. Ever. 

How to Clean Sterling Silver

1. Apply a small amount of silver jewelry cleaner to a soft cloth.

2. Gently rub the silver with the cloth several times.

3. Rinse the silver thoroughly in warm water.

4. Blot dry and shine your silver with our polishing cloth or mitts. This will remove the tarnish and restore shine.

How to Clean Pearls

1. After every wear, wipe your pearls with a soft cloth. This will help prevent any buildup of oils or other substances that may have come in contact with your jewelry throughout the day.

2. Clean with a damp cloth only as needed. If your pearls are visibly stained, you can mix a solution of lukewarm water and mild dish soap, dip a soft cleaning cloth in it and wipe the pearls. Do NOT submerge a pearl necklace in water, as it will weaken the silk thread.

3. Let them dry all the way before storing. Again, this helps preserve the elasticity of the silk strand.

4. Take them to your jeweler once a year. While you want to wear your pearls often to keep them hydrated, all that body oil doesn't do the silk thread any favors. Make sure to have your jeweler check the integrity of your pearl bracelets and necklaces once a year. They can also give them a thorough, safe cleaning.

Never clean pearls with a steam or ultrasonic jewelry cleaner. Both of these methods are likely to damage the outer layer of the pearl.

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